Sunday, January 3, 2010

Is there really such a thing as hypnosis?

Most people that come to see me for the first time think they are going to meet someone who is a bit weird. They wonder who this person is that does this magical and mystical thing called hypnosis.
The fact is, there are no special powers to Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is no more than deep relaxation, a very natural therapy. Due to this misconception and the fact that hypnosis can be very affective in helping people make changes in their lives, they expect something strange and magical to happen.
Unfortunately, the belief that hypnosis is magical and mystical frightens a lot of people away from hypnotherapy, which is a shame as it means they do not get the chance to see if it might help them.
It is very understandable that people may be a little concerned about hypnotherapy. The thought that they will lose consciousness, not know what is going to happen and that the hypnotist will be able to control their mind, making them do things against their will, is indeed a frightening thought.
So what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is just very deep relaxation. When hypnotised you are fully conscious at all times. You are aware of things going on around you and you cannot be made to do anything against your will.
In a normal state of mind something stops you from being able to do things you want to do, however, Hypnotherapy can help you to do the things you usually find difficult in your everyday life. This could include stopping unwanted habits or even fear of certain things.
Many people wonder what it “feels” like to by hypnotised. Well, there is no such thing as a hypnotised “feeling”. All you feel is extremely relaxed. When hypnotised you will enter a trance like state. Trance states are not magical or mystical. We all go into trance states many times in a day, either when we are reading, watching television, day dreaming, or even when we are driving.
Yes, we often go into a state of trance when driving. Anybody who has been driving for sometime will have had occasions when they can't remember driving past that roundabout or have had no recollection of taking a corner or going through a village or town. They have been in a trance state, but they must have been fully conscious, fully awake and aware to have driven safely. It is that type of trance that you enter when hypnotized. Fully conscious but very relaxed.
So, if hypnosis is not spiritual or magical how can it help so many different people with so many different problems?
A lot of the problems people have come from a feeling from within. Therefore, the feelings that will change that problem will also have to come from within.
Whilst in that relaxed state called hypnosis we can learn how to see things in a different way. We can learn how to change negative feelings to positive ones.
All we need to overcome a problem is the belief we can overcome it. If we think of a child learning to ride a bike, all the time he believes dad is holding the saddle he can ride the bike, even if dad has let go, but as soon as he realises no one is supporting him he becomes unstable.
The role of hypnosis is to enable you to have the belief that you can overcome a specific problem through what is known as auto-suggestion.
So there we have it. There is nothing magical or mystical in hypnosis, it’s all in the mind.

hypnosis weight loss

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