Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Golf Tips Discover The Magic

Golf is a physical and a mental game. There are many ways to impove your game. You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot.
We will look at a variety of tips for different facets of your game. These are tips for the beginner but a pro could conceivably benefit from their use.

Golf will get you outdoors and will get you moving. The combination of physical and mental activity will keep you sharp. Every course and every shot is different. You don't have to shoot par or have a perfect game to have fun. . It is a contest primarily with yourself to see if you can use your understanding of the game and your practices to improve on your game.

The most obvious way of improving your game is to take some golf lessons preferably from a pro. What you learn in the lessons you will be able to put to use on the course. If money is a concern consider group lessons. Not only can they be fun but it would lower your cost somewhat.

The first thing many people want to do is go out and get a set of their very own clubs. As exciting as this may be, clubs and other golf equipment can be costly. Ask around to see if someone you know has an old set lying around that you could borrow for awhile. Go to second hand stores sometimes you will find them there. I would give it careful consideration before you went to the expense of investing in all this equipment. Give yourself time to decide if you are going to stick with the game.

Now that you have decided to stick with the game your pro or your local Golf Club store will most likely take a look at your swing and take some measurements. They can then advise you on what would be the best type of equipment for your needs.

Don't go out on a course until you complete all your lessons. If you are slow it could bother other golfers that are coming behind you. It is important to know the basic rules and terms of Golf. For example did you know that when someone says “You're away.” that they are telling you it is your turn?

As in most situations, a certain type of etiquette is found in golf. Here are a number of tips to help you.

Show up on time for your game. If you are late you can keep others from being able to start their game.

Observe the orders of the club. Jeans and tee shirts are not usually allowed. Shirts with collars are seen in most clubs.

Some clubs frown on changing your shoes in the parking lot. They prefer all changing to be done in the locker rooms.

Leave your cell phone at home or in your car.
Contrary to what you see on TV business deals are not made on the golf course.
Honesty and courtesy is very important.

Learn the basic rules of the course and club.

Adhere to the order of play. Sometimes they will use ready play which means when you are ready you play. Who goes first is decided on by a flip of a coin who starts at the first tee. On subsequent holes the person with the best score on the previous hole goes first on the next one.

When another player is shooting you must be absolutely quiet. Any noise or sounds can distract the golfer and cause a missed shot.

When it is your turn do not delay; keep the flow of the game going.

When you hit the ball be careful. It is Golf's worse offense if you hit a group of golfers that are ahead of you.

If you are looking for more detailed information you do an internet search. There are all kinds of available resources for you regarding equipment, tips and the history of the game. If you know the rules of the game and on the courses you play you will have a great. Even if you do not play for competition golf is still a fun game.

Get more Golf tips for Beginners.

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