Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why We Designed Our Own NAS Servers For Use In Our Data Center

Over the past few years, we at Technetium, Inc. have had the opportunity to deal with Snap because of our model 14000 Snap servers. One day we installed new managed switches and the Snap Web-based management console would no longer operate. It would just hang at gigabit speed. To make a long story short, after exhausting all of my options on the Internet, I sent Snap technical support an email to try and resolve the problem. Here is their response:

Your case, 000000000005476, was updated. Please refer to the information below for our response. Please Click here if you need additional support on this issue.

Please do not reply to this email as it will not be seen by a live representative.

Your Query:

I have 2 snap 12000s and they will not negotiate 1000tx to my Dell Powerconnect 5324 switch. I'm afraid to set the nic in debug to anything other than auto.

It also shows half duplex when the switch shows full duplex.

Thank you in advance,

Todd Foster

Our Response:

Good morning Todd.

Again this is not technical support. We can be reached on a pay-per-incident of $120.00 through our 2 numbers: 408-934-7274 and 321-207-2000.

Adaptec Customer Service

To my dismay, they wanted $120 just to talk to me, and my bet is they wanted another $1,000 or so to upgrade the software. On their Website I could not find any way to buy support for this model any more. And by the way, to add replication between 2 of their Snap servers, it would cost something like $1,000 per box.

So, here we are, with 2 boxes, no support, and I'll bet that you can't even buy parts for it any more from Snap, much less anywhere else (maybe eBay?).

Off we go to buy new NAS replacements. Originally these 14000's were $10K apiece, for roughly 1TB of storage. All things being equal, I should be able to buy a NAS box for really cheap (yeah right!). What I found was that a high-quality NAS system that would do RAID 5 would cost between $3,500 and 4,500, not to mention that a 1TB Snap 520 would be over $5K. That is when we decided to build our own NAS servers!

With a great backround in PC/server hardware, it was easy for me to pick top-quality hardware and brand name components. I still have Pentium Pro servers that work! I chose the best hardware, put it in a rack mount server case, and voila! I have a NAS server. Here is the list of components:

* FreeNAS redone to work with the hardware that we provide
* Kingwin 4 in 3 Multi-Drive Bay SATA Internal Hot Swap Mobile Rack, w/ Key Lock, LED Indicator & Two 40mm Cooling Fans
* SONY Beige DDU1615 Internal EIDE 16X DVD-ROM Drive
* Enermax ELT500AWT 500W Power Supply
* 4U IPC-4071 Rackmount Chassis Server Case - Beige Color
* Transcend TS256MCF45I-D flash card
* 4 ea. Seagate(ST3500630NS)500GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM 16MB Buff Hard drive
* Addonics ADSACFW CF to SATA adapter
* 3WARE 9650SE-4LPML SATAII RAID controller
* INTEL XEON 3060 775 2.4G 4M
* 1Gx2|Kingston DII667 KVR667D2N5K2/2G

We need an OS now, and for that I picked FreeNAS ( which runs on FreeBSD. You can't ask for a more stable operating system. And by the way, the FreeNAS OS runs from memory and boots from a CF card (no chance of the hard drive crashing and destroying the config). This custom built NAS system has turned out great, and our client is very pleased with the money we saved them.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 More Steps to Internet Success

This article will teach you the basics of starting your first internet business. You'll be introduced to some very useful products and services. You can also use this as a checklist to help stay focused and make it easier to set up and improve your internet business.

1) ‘Find a Market’ - Find a market before you decide on a product. If you pick a product first then find out later there isn’t a market for it, you will have wasted a lot of time and money. So be sure to look for the market first. Also try to find an area that inspires or excites you. If you find your passion then it’ll be easier to stay motivated when building your business. Use Google to search different keywords. Try searching with Yahoo to see what else is selling. Check eBay for all their different categories. And use ClickBank to look for interesting markets. When you locate a market and find out what people want, all you’ll have to do is sell it to them. After your first internet project is up and running, and is profitable, then you may want to start looking for your next market. Remember it's very easy to jump from one project to the next before the first one is finished. So try to find a market or project that you really like and stay with it until its making money.

2) ‘Find a Product’ - After finding a market you’ll need to find a product to sell. You could search the internet to see what other people are selling to get some ideas. Or buy resale rights to a product. Maybe you can sell an affiliate product. Remember you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Find a product someone else is selling and make it a little better, different, lower in price, or add a bonus whenever someone buys from you. If you choose to sell digital products you will find many extra benefits such as: no shipping or handling, low start up cost, your profit margin will be close to 100%, your customer will get their product right away. And a lot of it can be set up automatically so there’s less work for you. Make sure to take full advantage of the automation possibilities of the internet.

3) ‘Get a Domain Name’ - You’ll want to have your own domain name. Try to think of a few different names because your first choices may not be available. Choose a short name and it will be easier for people to remember. If possible get domain names ending with .com or You should also try to get a name to match your product. And maybe use keywords in your domain name to get a better listing on search engines.

4) ‘Hosting Companies’ - The purpose of hosting company is to keep your website running properly. They will make sure everything is working properly so your customers can navigate through it and buy your product or service. This is a very important responsibility. If your website isn’t working properly or not at all then you are losing money. You may find some free hosting companies, but you really do get what you pay for. So it may be better to use a paid hosting company.

5) ‘Create a Website’ - Create a website so your customers can buy your products 24 hour a day. You will be competing with lots of other website's so try to make yours unique. If your site takes a long time to download your potential customers will go somewhere else. Graphics are nice to look at but slow to download so have more text and less graphic. Remember its words that sell products. To get ideas for you website search the web and look for sites that you like. Make sure your website is easy to navigate. And if you are short on time and have the money you could hire a professional to build your site. Or if you want to save money you could do it yourself.

6) ‘Payment Processor’- To collect money for your products you will need a payment processor. Make sure that you accept credit cards because most transactions will be made with them. You should also consider other options as well, like accepting cheques and postal orders. And you may want to use PayPal. The more ways you can collect money the more sales you’ll make. And if you’re selling a digital product you may want to use ClickBank.

7) ‘Auto responder’ - If you want to make your internet business easier, then you’ll want to automate as much as possible by using auto responders. You can automate a lot of your every day business tasks leaving more time for you to concentrate on more important things. Here are a few examples: send out email advertisements to everyone on your list at predetermined intervals. Automate the delivery of several different mini courses all at once. Send out sequential emails automatically whenever someone buys one of your products. Have all of your digital products sent out automatically. And with auto responders you can collect names and email addresses and add them to your list of customers and much, much more.

8) ‘Free Advertising’ - This may be a good way to start out if you are limited on funds. But this will be slower than paid advertising and will take a lot more time. And time is money so figure out how much you’re worth and monitor your time. If you are spending a lot of time with free advertising and not getting the results you like, then you may want to try something else. Keep in mind when using free advertising someone else may also place their ad with yours and this is not very professional. Also when you join these free advertising lists it usually means everyone on that list can send free advertising to you. So you may get a lot of unwanted emails.

9) ‘Paid Advertising’ - You may get better results with paid advertising. And at first you may think blasting your ad to as many people as possible will make you the most money. But this really isn’t a good idea for a couple of reasons. First a lot of people won’t have an interest in your product so they’ll probably not even read your ad. And second you may be accused of spamming which is something you never want to do. So always try placing ads with your specific targeted group. And always test your results to make sure that its cost efficient.

10) ‘Collect a List’ - This gets 5 stars. Start collecting your list of names and email addresses as soon as possible, add to your list often, and cherish your list because it will make you money over and over again. Whenever you need extra money you can send an email promoting a product to your list. So you’ll want to collect names and emails addresses by offering free e-books or a mini course, by having them join your newsletter and of course whenever they buy your great product.

And remember to always invest in yourself. Invest your money for quality information that will help expand your business, and invest your time to thoroughly read the information.

Master Resale Products $1 Trial
Make Money with MRR Products $1 Trial

Monday, January 25, 2010

Become a Healthcare Professional

The healthcare industry will see a great amount of growth in the next ten to fifteen years when the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age and transitions in to nursing care facilities. As our population ages, we will need to have a strong system of qualified healthcare personnel to help manage all aspects of health care management. The healthcare industry will see a great amount of growth in the next ten to fifteen years when the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age and transitions in to nursing care facilities. The baby boomer generation is considered to be one of Americas largest generations ever. This is an explosive time for the health care industry. Anyone involved in health care is going to have steady work for years to come.

Health care is a large industry that encompasses many different areas of expertise. There are doctors, pharmacists, and nurses to take care of patient needs. There is also a large business and administrative side to the health care industry. This portion of the business provides the infrastructure that allows patients to receive medicine and treatments they require, as they need it. People who are looking to pursue a health care career have almost endless job options. You can be involved in direct patient care, medical billing and coding, working for insurance companies, or even practicing holistic medicine. No matter what avenue you pursue in your healthcare career, having your degree and training will ensure your marketability in the workplace.

*According to the bureau of labor statistics, health care provided 12.9 million jobs-12.5 million jobs for wage and salary workers and about 382,000 jobs for the self-employed. Of the 12.5 million wage and salary jobs, more than 40 percent were in hospitals; another 22 percent were in either nursing or residential care facilities; and almost 16 percent were in offices of physicians. About 92 percent of wage and salary jobs were in private industry; the rest were in State and local government hospitals. The majority of jobs for self-employed workers were in offices of physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners-about 265,000 out of the 382,000 total self-employed.

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Golf Tips Discover The Magic

Golf is a physical and a mental game. There are many ways to impove your game. You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot.
We will look at a variety of tips for different facets of your game. These are tips for the beginner but a pro could conceivably benefit from their use.

Golf will get you outdoors and will get you moving. The combination of physical and mental activity will keep you sharp. Every course and every shot is different. You don't have to shoot par or have a perfect game to have fun. . It is a contest primarily with yourself to see if you can use your understanding of the game and your practices to improve on your game.

The most obvious way of improving your game is to take some golf lessons preferably from a pro. What you learn in the lessons you will be able to put to use on the course. If money is a concern consider group lessons. Not only can they be fun but it would lower your cost somewhat.

The first thing many people want to do is go out and get a set of their very own clubs. As exciting as this may be, clubs and other golf equipment can be costly. Ask around to see if someone you know has an old set lying around that you could borrow for awhile. Go to second hand stores sometimes you will find them there. I would give it careful consideration before you went to the expense of investing in all this equipment. Give yourself time to decide if you are going to stick with the game.

Now that you have decided to stick with the game your pro or your local Golf Club store will most likely take a look at your swing and take some measurements. They can then advise you on what would be the best type of equipment for your needs.

Don't go out on a course until you complete all your lessons. If you are slow it could bother other golfers that are coming behind you. It is important to know the basic rules and terms of Golf. For example did you know that when someone says “You're away.” that they are telling you it is your turn?

As in most situations, a certain type of etiquette is found in golf. Here are a number of tips to help you.

Show up on time for your game. If you are late you can keep others from being able to start their game.

Observe the orders of the club. Jeans and tee shirts are not usually allowed. Shirts with collars are seen in most clubs.

Some clubs frown on changing your shoes in the parking lot. They prefer all changing to be done in the locker rooms.

Leave your cell phone at home or in your car.
Contrary to what you see on TV business deals are not made on the golf course.
Honesty and courtesy is very important.

Learn the basic rules of the course and club.

Adhere to the order of play. Sometimes they will use ready play which means when you are ready you play. Who goes first is decided on by a flip of a coin who starts at the first tee. On subsequent holes the person with the best score on the previous hole goes first on the next one.

When another player is shooting you must be absolutely quiet. Any noise or sounds can distract the golfer and cause a missed shot.

When it is your turn do not delay; keep the flow of the game going.

When you hit the ball be careful. It is Golf's worse offense if you hit a group of golfers that are ahead of you.

If you are looking for more detailed information you do an internet search. There are all kinds of available resources for you regarding equipment, tips and the history of the game. If you know the rules of the game and on the courses you play you will have a great. Even if you do not play for competition golf is still a fun game.

Get more Golf tips for Beginners.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Save Time And Gas Earning Your Degree Online!

It used to be that if you wanted to go to college and earn a degree, you a little financial aid from your parents and a little more from a part time job. That worked when life moved at a slower pace, a few years back but in today’s fast paced lifestyle, it would be near impossible to work and go to school simultaneously. There just isn’t enough time in the day. Factor in the high cost of schooling and its easy to see why so many people are frustrated when trying to figure out a way to get a college education.

One thing you can do to make getting a degree more affordable is apply for grants and student loans. That will help with the cost of schooling itself but what about transportation from school and work? The cost of gasoline is forcing many people to simply stay home. One remedy would be to earn your degree at home with an online course.

Because of the increasing demand, many universities are developing online classes and programs today. A quick Google search will reveal dozens of well known universities that offer courses. Colorado Tech University has a program that is very much like attending the university offline. You start by paying your $50 enrollment fee and then work towards getting accepted into your classes. Just like being in the offline world you will be interviewed and assessed, you’ll have to prove yourself before you can start class.

If you are thinking that entry to an online school has got to be easier that an offline one, think again. Before online schools will even consider you, you have to write a reason why they should consider your application. You’ll be asked questions that will be centered on why you want to get a degree, why you think you could master the courses and why you chose their particular school. Going through this process is common among online universities these days so be prepared to make a good impression.

Now if you’re thinking that going to school online is going to save you a ton of money, not so. A college education is expensive. Weather you go offline or online, be prepared to spend a small fortune for your education if you are going for more than just a basic degree.
Associates, Doctrines, Masters, PHD or Bachelor’s degrees are pretty much necessities if you want to get ahead of the competition. In fact, even an Associate Degree doesn’t hold the status that it once did. That being said, the standard degree will cost you around 20 thousand dollars and that is a conservative amount.

Instead of the traditional classrooms with a professor, your classrooms will be labs and chat rooms where you can go online to get help with about anything you need. You WILL need to learn and exercise MPA/APA style, since this is the best method for online courses. Common courses offline focus on various other styles, but online you will have to master APA/MPL otherwise you may face penalties.

There are a few colleges online, such as Professional Career Development that are less extreme but you will be earning nothing more than a degree, or else Associates. These classes are inexpensive and the workload is less dramatic so for some this is a plus. The downside is you will not have cyber libraries with this college. You can receive help from instructors, but as in most cases you do get what you pay for - you have to reach long and far to get the help you will need to earn your degree.

Online Criminal Justice Degree
Online Degree in Criminal Justice

Pursuing an Online Degree

If you want to earn an associates, bachelors, masters, doctorate degree, or certificate or even just improve your work skills, an online degree program may be for you. These programs are a prime option for those who cannot attend traditional classes for whatever reason. Maybe you have a substantial career and simply do not have the time, or maybe you are a working mother with childcare issues that prevent you from being able to do so. Those who are disabled, retired, or live in a rural area may find it difficult to commute for classes also can benefit from these programs. Degree programs online solve all of the problems of these people and many others who wish to take higher learning courses but cannot for one reason or another.

There are some personal characteristics that you will find will further your success in an online degree program. First, you must be committed to your goal of an online degree or certificate. Just because you are taking a course online does not mean it will be any easier than a traditional course. On the contrary, many online courses are more challenging than traditional courses.

Besides being committed, it will also help if you are a highly motivated person. There will be many times when you are alone and had rather just watch television, go to sleep, or go out instead of working on your courses. It is also difficult because you will not have any other students of professors to turn to in case of questions or for advice and feedback. An online degree program will make it necessary for you to motivate yourself and make yourself work even when you do not want to.

It will help your cause a great deal if you are organized and disciplined. When enrolled in an online program you will have to make yourself complete assignments and study for tests and exams, and therefore you will have to schedule your time accordingly. It will also help if you are able to teach yourself. You will be planning and scheduling much of the course load yourself.

The most important thing you will need to begin an online degree program is access to a computer that is able to meet certain requirements, whether it is at home, work, or elsewhere. It will help make things easier on you if you don't mind sitting in front of a computer working, often times for a couple of hours a day.

While none of these (except Internet access) is required to begin an online degree program, they will certainly help you become more successful. If you are able to manage your time and make disciplined to work, study, and finish assignments, you will succeed at the program and have an online degree in no time.

Online Criminal Justice Degree
Online Degree in Criminal Justice

Friday, January 15, 2010

Which Electric Shaver to Buy?

Today's modern products have features such as "Pulsonic Technology" or "Precision Tube Trimmer", and you may be thinking they refer to some part in the latest Mars rover space mission. But these new terms describe the latest technology that companies like Braun and Philips are incorporating into their electric shavers. Some latest model electric shavers have features such as self-cleaning, Triple-Track shaving heads and even self lubrication. But is all this new technology justified for the sake of a simple electric shaver?

Electric shavers have certainly come a long way in recent years. Philips and Braun are the top 2 rated companies with a long history of incorporating the latest high-tech features into each model of electric shavers. Philips current selection includes models 1090X, 1060, 1050CC, 1050X, 8060X, 8040X, 8020X, 62XL, 8240XL, 7810XL 7380XL, 7340XL and 7310XL. Braun electric shaver models are released in Series. Series 7 includes 790C and 760CC. Series 5 models 590CC, 570CC, 560 and 550. Series 3 are 390CC, 370 and the 340. Series 1 shaver models are the 190 and 150. Braun even has a model called PocketGo that can fit in your pocket. As you can see there is certainly a huge choice when it comes to reviewing and buying an electric shaver.

Braun, which is a German based company who has concentrated on producing foil shavers. Foil shavers operate with an oscillating cutter block located behind a metal foil. Dutch based Philips which includes the brand name "Norelco" in the US, produces electric shavers which are rotary based. These shavers work by having spinning circular blades.

From the feedback of electric shaver consumers the consensus seems to be that neither company makes a superior product and that at the end of the day it comes down to personal choice.

Electric shavers can vary in price from very cheap to up to around $400. On average the difference is in how well the shaver cuts the hair and how your face feels after each shave. Cheaper shavers tend to take more time to shave and can leave an irritation rash on your skin. The more expensive models like the Braun 790cc are less prone to causing skin rash and will in general be a closer shave.

Waterproof electric shaver models are gaining in popularity. A model such as the Philips NIVEA FOR MEN 8060X allows you to have a complete wet shave in the shower and comes with its own moisturizing shaving conditioner. Waterproof shavers may also be increasing in numbers due to the fact that full body shaving is best achieved when in the shower.

When reviewing electric shavers, don't be too dazzled by all the hype of latest technology. Check the reviews and comments of other people and then base your personal decision on what is best for you.

From the Team at

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beginners guide to starting an online business

Today the Internet is much more than a simple document storage/retrieval system. It is a great vehicle for anyone who wants to setup an online business with little or no money and a want-it-now attitude.

I have a programming background but it was not my technical know-how that allowed me succeed in this area but my trials and errors as an online business owner.

I have tried many opportunities and techniques but it was through my failures I've learnt and consolidated a simple technique to succeed as an online business owner.

I can assure you that, although you will need to acquire some basic technical skills, your success will depend not on your programming or typing skills but more on what you have between your ears.

Below is my list of what you'll need and have to do, to succeed as an online business owner.

1. Have a dream and persistence. If you haven't got a dream and the persistence to follow it through then you will fail, guarantied.

2. Have a mentor. Find someone who has gained the experience in this field. Beg, crawl, wash their car, do whatever takes to become their student. Listen to their advice and learn from their failures and successes. You'll save yourself a lot of time, effort and money not to mention heartache and disappointment.

3. Find a hobby, a 'pet' project, something you are interested in and would do without payment or rewards. If it gets you excited, keeps you awake at nights thinking about it, it will provide you with opportunities to make money from it too. For example, once you have a project/activity that you live for, be it surfing, stamp collection, video games, mobile phones, you could start a local club. Once the club is established you can start a club website. Once the website is up and running you can introduce products to promote the club and your project/activity. You get the picture? You probably have seen the film 'Pay it forward'. Well, you can use the same principle in establishing an online business. Give something valuable first and then you'll get your opportunities to reap your rewards.

4. Promote and automate your project website. Once you completed step 3 above and your site is up and running you want to be able to promote your club site to 'outsiders'. You don't have to get technical and bogged down in programming or writing strings of HTML code. There are brilliant software out there to do a lot of 'skilled' tasks with the push of a button (both free and commercial products). Learn to use them well! Promoting your website should be your priority from now on. Get as many people to come to the site as you can and automate this activity. Start a newsletter to keep in touch with your members and provide them with free advice, tips and news on the subject of your project/activity. And again, automate this too. Get software to automatically distribute your newsletters and automatically sort any emails you get in reply to your posts. Set up autoresponders signup new members and to respond to email queries; automate, automate, automate...

5. Once you have enough members and you have an established, loyal group of followers, you can introduce your promotional products and other services that you now want to sell and make money from as a business. You'll have to be gentle and do this bit by bit. You may also find it useful to have another, separate, commercial site for this purpose and simply direct your members there from your 'signature files' or 'letterheads' you send out as part of your club newsletter. By now you should have enough experience in setting up and running a website from step 3 above. If you did have a separate commercial site you run a smaller risk of offending 'purist' club members.

6. Review the operation of your site, experiment and test the effect of site layout, content, headlines etc. Review and look for opportunities to further automate anything that you can to make your site 'self-sustaining'. If you do this you should be able to get yourself more free time to actually enjoy your hobby/project and to go out and look for more new material (advice, tips and news) that you can send out to you members. Once you have a website running and are making money out of it, it is very easy to forget that without new content and looking after your members your business will not survive. So make sure that the time you have freed up by automating your processes, you put back into searching for and providing fresh content and keep on provide a service to your members and keep in mind that they are members because they share your enthusiasm for the hobby and not for your business. Find a gentle balance between that hobby and your commercial interests.

Wishing you success in your new adventure,

Online Business Opportunities

Affiliate Marketing Program

Your Guide To Earn An Online Bachelor Degree In Nursing

You might be or you might not be aware that health care industry is one of the booming sectors for next 5 years especially in nursing field with a projection of 27% increase in employment. Hence, if you are interested and considering to earn a nursing degree online, you definite are in the right career path.

There are many accredited online universities offering online nursing degree programs with emphasis in various fields. You should spend some time to consider the available options to decide which online nursing degree program that meet your education & career goal. Here is a step by step guide to help you to earn an online bachelor degree in nursing.

Step 1: Determine The Right Online University

In the process of short listed your online universities of choice, you need to select only the online universities that are accredited by USA's recognized and legitimate accreditation agency. Non-accredited online degree program will make your degree rejected by most of employers.

Although there are many online universities offering bachelor degree in nursing, the degree might be varied from one online university to another online university; they might be different in area of focus. Be sure to review each of bachelor degree in nursing programs you are interested in and determine that the program is able to meet your needs in courses and in budget.

Step 2: Determine What Is Required To Earn The Bachelor Degree In Nursing

Ask the online universities to send you their bachelor nursing degree programs; look at the curriculum, determine if the time frame will work for you as well as the course of study. You may want to consider several nursing schools and determine which offers more of what you are looking to learn. Many online nursing schools offer flexibility in terms of time. Most of online bachelor nursing degree will requires you to spend a certain hours in clinical assignment in order to earn the degree; if you are a working while getting you online degree, you may want to ensure that you are able to fit into the clinical schedule.

Step 3: Determine The Financial Aid Available

If tuition fee is you concern, you might want to consider an online university which can offer you the flexibility in your tuition fee payment. Many online universities do offer scholarship and loans to their online students; you can get the information from admission department of these online universities.

Step 4: Enroll into Your Select Online Nursing Program

Once you have finalized the online university and the online nursing degree program that you are interested in. Ensure you meet the pre-requirement of your selected online nursing degree program; there may be many specific things that you have to do to qualify to get into the program. There may also be deadlines to consider. Look for the methods that fit your needs here.

Step 5: Be Prepared As An Online Student

Just like any other process of learning, you need to prepare yourself for your steps into learning. Get what you need, learn how the online nursing program works and get settled. It is time to learn. Find you method of learning, good time management will be a critical key to your success. Contact your professor with any questions that you may have. Follow what your curriculum says and dedicate yourself to taking on this new path to your new career.

In Summary

Earning an online bachelor degree in nursing is your right decision to start get start with your career in nursing field, one of the rapid growth health care fields. And getting the right online nursing program that meets your career goal is equally important. You should spend your time to consider the online nursing program that best suit your needs.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The things you consider before going out in a Deer Hunting Trips

Maybe you are one of those hunters who are searching for a way on how you and your friends can enjoy this deer hunting trips well. Or maybe you already tried this activity called deer hunting trips and you find it very exciting but to your disappointment you only find yourself in failure and mistake because you are not well prepared for the trip. No doubt because it is the usual thing that any hunter would wish for, a second chance for better result or a better season that can help them for hunting. There are many things to put in mind but the first thing you need to look at is your present condition and how prepared you are for this deer hunting trips. You also need to consider that you must have a sure plan and a time for you to prepare those things you need in your trip.

If you expect for deer hunting trips that is perfect and memorable then you should find yourself ready and prepared in any angles right? The idea is to be better than what you are on your first hunting trip. Do not be contented on the things that you now knew and be sure to add more knowledge so you can be better. The more essential way to do this thing is to acquire valuable knowledge from those experienced hunters because they are the one that can present facts and not just theories. Real experiences of hunters may give you an idea on what to expect in your deer hunting trips.

As real hunters know a knife and the right gun are one of the most basic things that you need to have before going to a deer hunting trip. Real hunter should know a lot of things from basic to the most complicated things in hunting and this include proper clothing and even the laws about rutting. If you want you can also learn the 15secrets about operating a firearms and how you can be able to make the difference between your success and failures.

Real hunters already know this fact that using a misinformation will definitely lead to failures or mistakes in hunting.

For more information you can visit trophy whitetail hunts.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

iTunes Fails In Motorola Rokr Cell Phone Bid

Marrying iTunes capability with Motorola Rokr cell phones was theoretically quite sound.

MacNewsWorld has reported, however, that the new Rokr phones by Motorola are proving to be virtual hot potatos.

The mobile phone return rate is roughly six times the usual for these new iTunes phones, according to the article.

Apparently storage has proven to triumph over functionality with consumers, leaving them blindly apathetic to the over-hyped MPEG-4 playback of these devices.

The Rokr iTunes phone only stores roughly 100 songs, a tiny portion of the relatively gigantic iPod storage capability.

Pocket PC owners fortunate enough to have SDIO slots are laughing by comparison, albeit hobbled by a one gigabyte secure digital card.

Couple it with the fact that quite a few PDA cases can store an additional SD card, and it's easy to see what occurred.

Presumably, mobile phone owners simply couldn't stand the combined pointing and snickering of the iPod and Pocket PC masses.

When Pocket PC owners are bedazzling you with their devices' versatility and fifth generation video iPods are becoming increasingly commercially ubiquitous at the same time, a swap is definitely in order.

Throw on a Pocket PC iTunes counterpart like PPCTunes by the PocketMac Team, and you're off to the PDA races with iPod-like functionality, adding serious insult to injury.

If PPCTunes really does halve the storage space that iTunes music files occupy on your device like it claims (I've admittedly haven't tried this download yet-- too busy gaming), this completes this sorry picture of mobile Motorola emasculation.

Apple blames a poor marketing campaign, but it really seems like a case of bad timing with the video iPod newcomer knocking the Rokr to its knees.

I'm opting to stick with Windows Media Player on my iPAQ for the time being.

Damian Julien is a Pocket PC gaming authority and long time general gaming hobbyist and reviewer.

He is an IT specialist by trade and has posted numerous articles on Pocket PC emulators, gaming and trends in the industry.

Bestel iTunes Gift Card.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Durability of Standing Seam Metal Roofing

The job of your roof.

The roof is the one part of the house that takes the most damage when protecting us from the elements. It has to cope with extreme conditions ranging from wintry ice to summer sun and often it can face both extremes at the same time. Many substances simply can not withstand this diverse a range of abuse meaning it is very important to select strong roofing made from a durable and resistant material that will withstand just about anything. Advances in technology have seen various new forms of roofing as well as advances in old techniques and reduces in cost, so the options available when selecting good roofing are wide.

Maintenance of your roof.

For all of the work that a roof does you would expect that it would be a part of housing and home maintenance that people took very seriously, but unfortunately it is a factor that is often overlooked until the worst happens. Many people do not maintain their roof or even have it checked on a regular basis but prevention is a much better option than cure. By having regular checks on your roof you can prevent costly repairs when things go wrong.

Traditional roofing material compared to standing seam metal roofing.

Asphalt and modified bitumen have previously been the most common choice when it comes to selecting a material for your roof, however in more recent years standing seam metal roofing has increased in popularity as it has decreased in cost and it’s durability, protection and flexibility have increased. Standing seam metal roofing has much to offer; it is fire resistant, weather resistant, can be easily formed to fit your roof and has become even easier to install. In fact, standing seam metal roofing meets the very highest of standards when it comes to fire resistance and wind and hail resistance.

The life of your standing seam metal roofing.

Standing seam metal roofing is very unlikely to rot, mould, split or crack. For this reason a standing seam metal roofing system means you can enjoy a long life from your roof with comparably low maintenance costs. It is also usually created from recycled products and is fully recyclable itself so it is a sustainable choice for the ecologically minded amongst you. The options are virtually limitless if you decide on standing seam metal roofing, and not least because of the numerous metals that are on offer. Copper, aluminum, galvanized or stainless steel and a range of other metals are commonly used and each has their own look, feel and uses.

Standing seam metal roofing – the environmental roof.

Standing seam metal roofing offers a life of 50 years or more making it much longer lasting than other traditional methods employed in many houses. It is usually made up of 50% recycled material and 100% of your standing seam metal roofing will be recycled in the event that it does eventually need replacing. Conversely, asphalt requires a huge amount of oil every year to create shingles that last an average of 15 years. At the end of their life they are then disposed of in landfill sites wasting yet more of the world’s resources. Standing seam metal roofing also means you will use less energy, conserving yet more resources and lowering your summer energy bills. Standing seam metal roofing reflects approximately 70% of the sun’s rays meaning you will spend a lot less keeping your air conditioning unit running.

Dallas Roofing

Fort Worth Roofing

Monday, January 4, 2010

Debt Reduction Tools

Those who are in debt need a mechanism or tools to help them get out of it. Debt reduction tools are ways to make the burden less. The best reduction tool is the concept of planning for the future and your expenditure. There are also many financial debt consultants, who can make the repayment of your debt easier. These consultants can negotiate to get the tenures extended or get you further loans to pay back the existing loan. At times this strategy can help and at times, this may also backfire.

The concept of budgeting is very old. Budget means to map out the incomes, expenditures and any unforeseen expenditure that you might have. Therefore when you look at the monthly incomings and outgoings, you would find that budgeting can be used as a debt reduction tool, which is very beneficial. Write down the incomes, that you receive from all sources and then write all the expenditure down. In case you have expenditure more than income, then you would be going in for debt. If the reverse is true, then you have a saving. By reducing the debt, you are freeing up financial resources, which can be utilized for investments, and saving purposes.

Another debt reduction tool is to repay back all the debts. However this is not possible. Debts are small term, medium term and long term debts, which varied tenures and interest rates. Classify the debts according to this classification, this is the first step to start. By paying off the smallest loan first and you are already utilizing the tools for debt reduction yourself. Talk to the banks and see if they are ready to negotiate for lower interest rates. Many a times, banks will negotiate for a lower interest rates and this means that there is a debt reduction for you.

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Is there really such a thing as hypnosis?

Most people that come to see me for the first time think they are going to meet someone who is a bit weird. They wonder who this person is that does this magical and mystical thing called hypnosis.
The fact is, there are no special powers to Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is no more than deep relaxation, a very natural therapy. Due to this misconception and the fact that hypnosis can be very affective in helping people make changes in their lives, they expect something strange and magical to happen.
Unfortunately, the belief that hypnosis is magical and mystical frightens a lot of people away from hypnotherapy, which is a shame as it means they do not get the chance to see if it might help them.
It is very understandable that people may be a little concerned about hypnotherapy. The thought that they will lose consciousness, not know what is going to happen and that the hypnotist will be able to control their mind, making them do things against their will, is indeed a frightening thought.
So what is hypnosis? Hypnosis is just very deep relaxation. When hypnotised you are fully conscious at all times. You are aware of things going on around you and you cannot be made to do anything against your will.
In a normal state of mind something stops you from being able to do things you want to do, however, Hypnotherapy can help you to do the things you usually find difficult in your everyday life. This could include stopping unwanted habits or even fear of certain things.
Many people wonder what it “feels” like to by hypnotised. Well, there is no such thing as a hypnotised “feeling”. All you feel is extremely relaxed. When hypnotised you will enter a trance like state. Trance states are not magical or mystical. We all go into trance states many times in a day, either when we are reading, watching television, day dreaming, or even when we are driving.
Yes, we often go into a state of trance when driving. Anybody who has been driving for sometime will have had occasions when they can't remember driving past that roundabout or have had no recollection of taking a corner or going through a village or town. They have been in a trance state, but they must have been fully conscious, fully awake and aware to have driven safely. It is that type of trance that you enter when hypnotized. Fully conscious but very relaxed.
So, if hypnosis is not spiritual or magical how can it help so many different people with so many different problems?
A lot of the problems people have come from a feeling from within. Therefore, the feelings that will change that problem will also have to come from within.
Whilst in that relaxed state called hypnosis we can learn how to see things in a different way. We can learn how to change negative feelings to positive ones.
All we need to overcome a problem is the belief we can overcome it. If we think of a child learning to ride a bike, all the time he believes dad is holding the saddle he can ride the bike, even if dad has let go, but as soon as he realises no one is supporting him he becomes unstable.
The role of hypnosis is to enable you to have the belief that you can overcome a specific problem through what is known as auto-suggestion.
So there we have it. There is nothing magical or mystical in hypnosis, it’s all in the mind.

hypnosis weight loss