Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Using SMS Voting For Political Events

For decades companies have offered polling services to candidates and their campaign managers. These polls have been used to gauge public opinion and tailor a campaign strategy specifically to gather votes. However, there is a new service called SMS voting that allows political candidates to create their own polls and gather data. SMS voting allows politicians to create a poll based on the information they feel they need to know more about. These polls are then advertised online, on television, and on the radio. Some politicians even hand out flyers at rallies explaining the SMS voting process. Once the votes are cast the campaign can use the data received to make future decisions for the race.

SMS Voting Ease Of Use

Using an SMS voting system is very easy. Politicians can offer questions that allow voters to choose a specific answer or rate a topic on a specific scale. The voters are instructed to text in their answers to a specific phone number. Once these results are received they are placed into graphs and diagrams that detail what results are received. The results can then be divided by the geographic region they were received from or by the age, sex, or gender of each voter. By dividing the results in this manner the politician or campaign can determine which points are important to which voters.

Predict the Outcome Using SMS Voting

SMS voting will allow a campaign to track whether the politician is losing ground or gaining it against other opponents as well. SMS voting can be used to predict the outcome of a complete political race or just a portion of it. One of the best aspects of SMS voting is that a new poll can be taken every day or every week. SMS voting is also very affordable. This is especially true when the process is compared to hiring door to door pollsters or employing phone operators to call for votes.

Instant Results When They Are Needed

SMS voting can also be used to gain public opinion immediately during a speech or debate. This can help a politician tailor their answers to match the crowd in attendance. Campaign workers can monitor the poll and provide the results simultaneously to the candidate so they know whether they are leaving a mark or missing by a mile. This can be very helpful information for any speaker to know. If the results show that the candidate is too hard on an issue he or she can lessen their stance. However, it is also possible for a candidate to instantly realize which parts of the crowd are not being reached and speak more to that area of a room.

There are many reasons why polling is important to political races and competitions. However, these tools can also be used once a candidate is elected to determine the best way to vote or which policies are important to the people. SMS voting can bridge the gap between the people and their candidates.

LetsGoVote leverages the strengths, popularity, and cost effectiveness of cell phones to replace hardware-based audience interaction systems to. For details Regarding Audience Response System visit http://www.letsgovote.com

Hotneus.com covers the latest political news with a focus on national politics and political events happening around the world, from congress, lobbying, advocacy, senators and more.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What is a Colon Cleanse?

You might have read about the benefits of a colon cleanse. If you have never undergone such procedure before, here are some tips so you know what to expect.

There are basically two methods of cleaning your colon. Liquid and powder supplements readily available to the public and the irrigation colon cleansing called colonic cleanse. The first kind is easily obtained, but attention to the quality of the product should be an important factor. You want high quality and if possible get an all natural herbal colon cleansing product.

Not all colon cleanses work the same. Why do we prefer the natural treatments? Those natural cleanses do not contain strong chemicals like laxatives and they work as well as the others, if not better.

Benefits of a Colon Cleanse

We see them often seen in conjunction with advertisements for weight loss, but did you know that such a cleanse has many more benefits?

They can help with a lot conditions like stress, flu, headaches or fatigue. And of course, a colon cleanse is also an excellent way to lose weight and to stay in shape.

Over years, a lot of waste has accumulated in our colon. A colon cleanse works by purging all those toxins and waste from the colon. It's like a cleaning deep inside our bodies at the root of so many problems.

Cleansing your colon will boost your immune system, and it is not uncommon to hear people saying that their overall body energy levels have significantly increased after a cleanse.

Sometimes, we might need a few treatments in a row: The harmful and toxic buildup in the colon walls may have accumulated over many years and years, so don't be surprised if a single cleanse doesn't get rid of it right away.

Just be patient and stick with the program. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Results may not come over night, but they will come sooner or later. You will feel fitter and healthier with a new boost of energy.

There are many cleansing products on the market. In our tests Power Colon Cleanse has proven to be a very effective and all natural colon cleanse.

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Human being Trafficking Figures: Let the Numbers Speak for Themselves

Human trafficking is always something that we hear. Yet, somehow, it seems we’ve gone calloused and look at it as something so detached from our reality.

But little did we know that real people are actually suffering due to this crime.

These people are forced to perform labor or sexual acts against their own will and are forcibly or worse taken with consent. But the bottom line is that these people lose their human rights.

There is smuggling of people happening each year, worldwide, and it has now reached 800,000 victims.

Huge portions that comprise of that number each year are women and children. They comprise 80% of the total number of people being trafficked.

This human trafficking statistics estimates that 161 countries out 192 (according to the United Nations) in the world are involved with human trafficking.

According to International Police report, there are 30,000 women declared missing presumed to be victims of human trafficking, In Romania alone.

Children comprise half or fifty percent (50%) of human trafficking target. And they become victims as early as 12 to 14 years old and they are most likely to get exposed to sexual exploitation.

As an organized crime, the revenue in this industry runs to around 32 billion every year. The biggest chunk of 15.5 million coming from the slaves or forced labor servants in industrialized countries.

These are just some of the human trafficking figures available today. Each year and in fact, every day, these numbers grow. It would make us feel better if they were slowly decreasing, but unfortunately, they instead increase.

That is why we, each one of us, should take a serious thought on taking small steps to put an end to this ruthless industry.

sex trafficking in the United States
human trafficking statistics